Want to be a part of GALS?
We are a big, friendly, community choir and there's always room for more.
If you have ever wondered about joining Auckland's Rainbow Choir, now is your chance. We have two new member nights on Tuesday 5th of March and Tuesday 12th of March.
These nights are when you can come along, sing with us and see how you like it.
Please message us using the form below, or email directly at membership@gals.org.nz, to let us know you are interested and we will be in contact.

We rehearse Tuesday nights 6:30 to 9:00 pm, in central Auckland at the Pitt Street Methodist Church near the Pitt Street/K' Rd intersection - see map below. As you face the church, go down the lane on the right-hand side, and you will find a door on the left under the overpass - toward the back of the church. We rehearse in "the parlour"- up the stairs on the first floor. There are other choirs also rehearsing in the church - hence the detailed direction!
We are a Rainbow choir and welcome all - whatever their sexual orientation or gender diversity. We suggest that new people come to 3 or 4 rehearsals to check us out before making a commitment. You will have a brief voice check with the Musical Director, so we know you are sitting in the correct section. We have never turned anyone away because of the voice check - so don’t panic!
Once you have committed, membership fees become due. Reduced fees are available for those in financial difficulty. GALS is steadfast in its view that finances should not be a barrier for joining.
As well as the concerts and other performances that you will see on the website, we also have two or three all day Saturday rehearsals each year, and an annual camp at Shakespeare Regional Park on the Whangaparoa Peninsula, where we spend the weekend singing, music workshopping, eating, drinking and generally enjoying each others company!
GALS has a strong social side - some meet for dinner before rehearsal, others afterwards for a drink - and some do both! We know you have come to join us to sing - and we hope that you will also be part of the GALS whanau.