GALS welcomes new people to come and sing with us. Hopefully you will have seen some of what we do from this website. If you want to join us, then the best thing to do is to come to a rehearsal. Do email us first - either using the form below, or directly at membership@gals.org.nz so we know you are coming and can welcome you!
We rehearse on Tuesday nights from 6:30pm to 9:00pm at Pitt Street Methodist Church at the top of Pitt Street, in central Auckland. There is a picture here. As you face the church, go down the lane on the right hand side, and you will find a door half way down. Go up the stairs to the first floor, and we rehearse in "the parlour". There are other choirs also rehearsing in the church - hence the detailed direction!
We are a Rainbow choir and welcome all - whatever their sexual orientation or gender diversity. We just want to enjoy singing with you! We suggest that new people come to 3 or 4 rehearsals to check us out before making a commitment. You will have a brief voice check with the Musical Director, so we know you are sitting in the correct section, and can hold a note. We have never turned anyone away because of the voice check - so don’t panic!
At that point, there are membership fees due. Reduced fees are available for those in financial difficulty. GALS is steadfast in its view that finances should not be a barrier for joining.
As well as the concerts and other performances that you will see on the website, we also have two or three all day Saturday rehearsals each year, and an annual camp, where we go away together for the weekend to sing and have fun workshops!
GALS has a strong social side - some meet for dinner before rehearsal, others afterwards for a drink - and some do both! We know you have come to join us to sing - and we hope that you will also be part of the GALS whanau.
Haere Mai.
Want to sing with GALS?
We are currently in lockdown but if you would like to join GALS, get in touch via the form on this page and we'll get back to you ASAP!